A continuation of the previous post, and as I tend to post these in the order I shoot them, we’re back with the leery pink background first . . .
A trio of the really rather exquisite Les Higgins English Civil War figures, gang-up against a Minifigs (?) Royalist! Although he's more of a fancy-pants, so may be a Swiss mercenary!
Bullyland Cacophonix.
A couple of Hong King divers with the plug-in heads, we've seen small rack-toy sets of these, but it's nice to get a few loose samples for close-ups. The Dinky road menders watchman, a Huskey/Corgi policeman and a couple of other HK pieces.
Airfix or Airfix-related, nobody expects the Spanish inquisition! I think he's meant to be a crusader though, and it's the daft shooting-skyward para' under all that modelling! Finally, my favourite ACW Confederate pose (never available as a Union sculpt), seen here as a home-cast copy!
A selection of kit figures, mostly Airfix, but the sailors may be Tamiya or another MTB/Fast Boat kit's crew, and the two air stewardesses could be another maker too?
In the background we have two lots of early Airfix HO-OO copies, a small bag of Roco Minitanks with stab-and-hope flesh paint and a near complete set of Matchbox commandos - missing their boat!
In the middle-distance is a nice sample of Britians Lilliput, which will help top-up that boxed set we saw here a while ago, and in front of them a few Lone Star 'Afrika Korps' are about to be neutralized by a larger contingent of UN paratroops from the same maker!
A nice trio of interesting combat types, with one of the so-called 'Bonnie Bilt' semi-flats to the left, but in the more-local soft polyethylene, a home piracy or minor-make (?) copy of Britains in the centre, and one of the probably Pioneer (for Stonegalleon or Zita?) figures, which could also be Realtoy or someone else!
Bits and bobs! Mostly generic fencing or model railway walling, with a Supreme Wild West sign-post (top right) and three pieces of Lik Be (LB)'s farm fencing - bottom left, along with a bag of Airfix Betta Bilda bricks.
Bellona pup-tents, a Wardie/Mastermodels station bench,
and a couple of boxes for the spares zone!
More spares, including the Mafia 'violin-case', from a (Monogram?) car kit, a ship's yard, solitaire piece, Action Man pistol with broken trigger, Britains musket, plastic toothpick and some runner oddments! Also, an ornate pressed-tin washer of the sort you used to get on toy holsters and gun-belts from the likes of Crescent, Lone Star or Marx.
I thought these were stands of some kind, but I think they are dividers for old multi-drawer component storage units, of which I have several types in actual storage, so they may prove very useful going forwards!
A mix of mostly pretty generic farm animals, although it's hoped some will be ascribed over time, and while the purple-patch rabbits have a loose association with Blue Box or Tai Sang, it's not concrete at the moment.
Slightly more substantial in the interest department are these Britains lambs and duck family, better-quality Hong Kong rabbits and a rather nice PVC hen.
More nice cows (see previous post), the pair on the left need a bit of digging, while the one on the right has suffered horn-surgery!
Two Crescent farm animals, foal and donkey, with what I think is a Britains in the middle, but is it an O-gauge horse (which could even be Hornby?) or a 54mm foal?
As well as a large quantity of previously-mentioned pewter/whitemetal war gaming stuff, there was all this Atlantic, mostly loose, and a bunch of flattened boxes, but not a lot could be made into whole sets, and some brittleness will mean a better sort into my similar stocks before it all makes sense!
Thanks again to Peter Evans, and another thought for the late Mikael Hyde, the Atlanitc was his, all useful grist to the mill, or bricks in the wall!